About me

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My name is Ashish Agre nameof @silentsudo for gitlab/github/stackoverflow/* profiles.

This is my general technology where i will talk about my experience on working in Information Technology Industry on various technologies.

Little More

  • I rock a decent weird beard
  • I like Astronomy & Astrology
  • I am a noob csgo player named fõrg
  • In TV Series, I like The Office & HIMYM


Professional Experience

I have solid understanding of Computer Science fundamentals, algorithms and data structures. I have successfully implemented various design patterns while hands-on coding and while implementing web architecture.

I have worked on backend Spring/JavaEE application development. I have strong OOPs fundamentals, system design has always been an area of interest to me. I have solid understanding of implementing systems in Java Eco-System for domains like social, medical, ecommerce and financial. I have experience of handling large amount of data ingesting into the system and pre-processing and post processing it. I have successfully implemented scheduling into my application using Quartz Scheduler. I have Hands-On experience on using Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ pub/sub system.